All Kidding Aside

Just another site

Head Gear

on March 11, 2011

     Recently, I made a comment about a helmet that holds your beers. Donna and I had fun thinking of ways that they could be a little more fashionable. We thought of painting them, putting cute stickers on them, and even getting out the glue gun to glue some wonderful silk flowers to them, just to pretty them up. It’s usefullness wouldn’t be in the creative fashionable look, but in it’s ability to hold cans of beer while leaving your hands free to hold two more cans of beer.

     However, I found some more very interesting hats from Egypt. Very fashionable and eccentric, I think. Quite thought provoking as well, I might add.

     I’m not sure what he has under the box, but I’m pretty sure that it’s not going to be enough to protect his noggin from falling debris. However, for a hat, it works. I’m surprised he was able to find a box small enough (or big enough) to fit his head. Of course, wrapping it in material and tape also adds that little bit of extra protection and style. BTW, buddy, I think the guy beside you thinks you look kind of dorky.

     Now this is original, and tasty. Those are bagettes protecting his ears, or is it a snack for later in the day? The sandwich on his forehead and the bagettes protecting his ears, are not going to help him in the event of a head injury, however, we know he wouldn’t die of starvation. Good thinking.

     Dude, you’ve got a hole in your bucket! Of course, I’m sure that it offers better protection from UVA and UVB rays then the box hat above, but as far as protecting the old melon, maybe not so much. Also, if you’re going to be in a protest or riot, maybe you should come armed with something more than a tuna sandwich. Don’t throw it, man! You might need it for later!

Oh, you’re going to get it now. You raided your mother’s Tupperware drawer, didn’t you? Naughty, naughty. And, I suppose you had to poke holes in it to tie the strap to it. Oh, very bad. Mom’s not going to be too happy about that. She might have company coming soon, and she’ll be thinking to herself, “Where the hell is my red salad bowl? I had it here yesterday! It couldn’t have grown legs and walked away!” Yup, that’ll be coming out of your allowance.

     This guy has the right idea for head protection, but man, is his chiropractor going to love him, as well as the makers of Tylenol. While I see the gist of the protection, not much of a fashion statement going on here. He should maybe add some colour to this. The scarf just isn’t cutting it.

     I’m still trying to figure out how this is useful. I mean, it might have been a bit uncomfortable to wear, but I think it would have been better if the bottles were full. I mean, the guy with the tuna sandwich might have shared his tuna sandwich with you, if you shared some water with him. Yeah, you didn’t think this one through, now did you, bub? 

     I’m not sure what this is, but it looks ancient. It may have been a bowl from the Bible age…maybe you should put it back in the museum where it belongs. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for lost or stolen ancient artifacts from your ancestors time. I think that might be frowned upon.

     Now, this guy has the right idea. Stand guard with a pot on your head, and just in case there is a swimming party afterwards, he’s prepared with a lifejacket. Well thought out on his part. I’m still trying to figure out how these guys are able to find things that actually fit their heads. I must have an odd shaped head, because none of my pots fit my head. I know, I’ve tried them all.
I guess I shouldn’t judge too much, though. I look horrible in hats.

14 responses to “Head Gear

  1. Beth, this your best one yet. I have humongous tears rolling down my cheeks from laughing. I feel like I've just chopped like three dozen onions.Thanks for this post. It's a hoot. I think you've surpassed Robb!

  2. Beth says:

    @Eve-I'm sorry for the tears, but not the laughs. I'm glad you were amused. And, of course, I'm funnier than Robb…LOL

  3. Very funny!The museum thief scampered off, of course, with his ancient bowl…

  4. Beth says:

    @William-I don't know what the heck that thing is that he's attempting to cover his head with, but ancient bowl was the only thing I could think of…What is that thing, anyway?

  5. Karla Telega says:

    I always thought I looked good in hats, but now I have box envy. Of course, only the finest quality cardboard and tape will do.

  6. DM says:

    Great blog. Funny. Wear 'em if you can, I guess. Ok. We'll have to rethink our 'basic' look.

  7. I've always loved hats, and I've been told I look good in them. But honestly, I wouldn't be caught dead in ANY of these.

  8. Beth says:

    @Karla-I kind of like the bagette/sandwich hat…but, it's not on my diet.@Donna-We'll have to get crafty if were going to do anything with any of these hats.@Norma-I think you do look good in hats…but, I agree…none of these look good on anyone.

  9. shelly says:

    The guy with the three bottles tied to his head…OMG…TFF

  10. Mike says:

    In the Darwin Awards, they talked about a game where people would run around with flaming barrels on their heads. The object is to smash into each other and knock the barrels off of other peoples' heads. I don't know what possesses humanity to do things like this.

  11. Erin Moxam says:

    Beautiful, as if the headgear wasn't enough, then we got the lifejacket. Got a good chuckle out of this, thanks for putting it together.

  12. Excellent pictures and writing to boot. Bet you we'll see Lady Gaga rocking half of those this year in a fashionable/political statement on war and peace.

  13. Beth says:

    @Shelly-I like the guy with the bagettes tied to his ears…that's too funny.@Mike-I mean, I guess if you've got objects hurtling towards you, you might grab your sandwich and tie it to your head…it might cushion the blow a bit, but I don't know why people would put a flaming barrel over their heads…that just doesn't make any sense at all.@Erin-Well, he was being prepared for that swimming party afterwards. You can never be too prepared.@Lauren-You could be right…LOL

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